About PHMS » Enrollment/Registration


Patrick Henry Enrollment and Registration Information

District and Registration Forms

  • All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students must complete annual district forms and bring them to our August Orientation or deliver to the Attendance Office by the first day of school.

  • New students must complete Registration Forms as part of the enrollment process along with annual district forms.

Resident School Enrollment begins Monday, April 15, 2024.

  • Students whose home address is within our school boundary automatically qualify to enroll at Patrick Henry. Updated enrollment forms must be completed.

  • Please contact our Attendance Office for more details at (818) 832-3889. 


Confirm that your current address is within LAUSD attendance boundaries here (LAUSD Resident School Identifier):
Please submit one of the following acceptable documents as proof you live within PHMS boundaries:
  • Utility service contract, bills or payment receipts (Gas, Water, or Electricity)
  • Property taxes, rental or lease agreement, current rental receipt with address of property on receipt
  • Official government mail (CalWORKS, Social Security, Medi-Cal)
  • Current pay stub
  • Voter registration
Favor de confirmar que su dirección actual pertenece al área de asistencia de LAUSD aquí (LAUSD Identificador de Residencia Escolar):
Por favor, envíe uno de los siguientes documentos aceptables como prueba de que vive dentro de los límites de PHMS:
  • Contrato de servicios públicos, facturas o recibos de pago (Gas, Agua o Electricidad)
  • Impuestos a la propiedad, contrato de alquiler o arrendamiento, recibo de alquiler actual con la dirección de la propiedad en el recibo
  • Correo oficial del gobierno (CalWORKS, Social Security, Medi-Cal)
  • Recibo de pago actual
  • Registro de votantes


Download and complete 2024-2025 LAUSD Student Enrollment Packet document.
Link to LAUSD Student Enrollment Form     
Descargue y complete el 2024-2025 Paquete de Inscripción Estudiantil.
LAUSD Formulario de Inscripción de Estudiantes 


Create an LAUSD Parent Portal account
Crear una cuenta el Portal de Padres de LAUSD 


Expect a call from a school-site and/or other LAUSD employee, who will assist with scheduling an appointment to complete your child’s enrollment process.  During the appointment you will be asked to provide photo identification, sign enrollment related forms, and may be giving additional forms and materials to support virtual/remote instruction.
Please bring the following to the appointment:
  • Proof of Residency
  • Completed Enrollment Form
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Record
  • Recent Report Card
  • Copy of IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
  • Court Orders/Legal Guardianship paperwork (if applicable)
Thank you for your patience and trust as we work together to ensure that your child is enrolled in school.
Espere una llamada de un empleado de la escuela u otro empleado del LAUSD, que lo ayudará a programar una cita para completar el proceso de inscripción de su hijo. Durante esta cita, se le pedirá que proporcione una identificación con foto, firme formularios relacionados con la inscripción y es posible que se le proporcionen formularios y materiales adicionales para apoyar la instrucción virtual / remota.
Por favor traiga lo siguiente a la cita:
  • Prueba de residencia
  • Formulario de inscripción completado
  • Copia del Acta de Nacimiento
  • Cartilla de vacunación
  • Boleta de calificaciones reciente
  • Copia del IEP o Plan 504 (si corresponde)
  • Órdenes judiciales/papeleo de tutela legal (si corresponde)
Le agradecemos su paciencia y confianza al trabajar juntos para asegurar que su hijo/a es inscrito en la escuela.

Magnet Schools and School for Advanced Studies (SAS) Enrollment Process

Click here to learn guidelines and application process for applying to one of our magnet schools and SAS program.